Mediterranean Chickpea Salad {Gluten Free, Vegan}
Greece has always been at the tip top of my travel bucket list. From the beautiful beaches to the colorful buildings it has always been a place I have wanted to explore. Not to mention all the delicious fresh food and people sitting around drinking wine all day, those are MY kind of people. I’m pretty sure they would love me just as much as I would love them, so it’s a dream I can’t wait to come to fruition. But, since we aren’t all there today, we can dream with this Mediterranean Chickpea Salad (which would go great with a glass of white wine, just sayin’).
This healthy dish comes together quick and easy and holds up well to several days in the refrigerator which makes it great for parties or lunches during the week. So much can be inspired by our travel dreams, so what’s at the top of your travel bucket list?
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Winter Favorites
Brooke’s Picks

Buttermilk Biscuits
A couple of weeks ago I was at the Farmer's Market and pick up some great fresh blackberries. They sat around in the fridge for a couple of days because I may or may not have went a little overboard with fresh fruits and veggies that day (okay, I did), until I finally...
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Sangria (Simple & Amazing)
I was never much of a wine person until a couple of years ago, and even now I am very finicky about the kinds I like, but this sangria is another story. I first had this delightful treat at The Melting Pot, and I fell in love. Since we also love fondue and make it...
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Baked Creamy Chicken Taquitos
There is something about Mexican food that I have always loved, but as I have grown older (and a little wiser) about what goes in to the food that is going in to my body I have been a little more hesitant to hit the local Mexican restaurants. A good solution for this...
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Cherry Almond Muffins
Cherry season is upon us! It seems like we just got summer started, but here it is quickly passing us by; as eager as I am for the temperatures to drop a little, I am a summer girl through and through so I am defiantly not ready for it to be ending so soon. Since...
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Creamy Jalapeno Ranch
Well, I am glad to report I made it through my little juice fast and I'm back on to all of my favorite whole foods. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be, but if I had to do it for an extended amount of time it may have been another story. I'm glad to be...
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Vanilla Bean Cupcakes
So, about two weeks ago I watched a documentary called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead; without going into too much drawn out detail it's about a man who goes on a juice fast, which I found to be quite intriguing. Getting to the point, I decided I would give my body a...
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Peanut Butter Fruit Dip
Please excuse my absence, between going back home to see my family and my beloved Macbook Pro dying right after I returned it's been a busy week. No worries though, my computer is on it's way to being fixed (fingers crossed), and in the mean time I have a ridiculously...
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