Easy Grilled Peaches with Balsamic Glaze
Summer is finally here! Wait… what? Summer is almost… over? Where did it go guys?? It seems next to impossible that summer is coming to a close and before we know it we will be putting 2017 in the books. Let’s slow down for just a minute though and squeeze these last few long summer nights out of the following months.. let’s also squeeze in these Easy Grilled Peaches with Balsamic Glaze as much as humanly possible.
Let’s also get as much fresh produce, like these beautiful palisade peaches, in our bellies while there is still time. There are several things I love about this dessert (I mean, just look at it), besides being obviously delicious and beautiful it would be impossible for this to be any easier. And if you’re about to argue and say something like, “but Brooke, I have to make a balsamic reduction?!” you don’t, just go buy one, it will be fine I promise.
So there. Plus to take it to the next level, simply top these warm peaches with some if your favorite ice cream, fro yo, or dairy alternative frozen treat (did I cover them all??) and a little of this granola that you will remember from a few weeks ago and you won’t believe your mouth. So good. It’s like the easiest, most delicious peach crisp you’ve ever had! Besides making these, how are you guys closing out your summer??
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Winter Favorites
Brooke’s Picks

Lemon Shrimp Pasta
Have I told you lately how in love I am with ATK's Healthy Family Cookbook? Oh, I have. Well, it's true. I'm serious, they should pay me commission on this cookbook because I brag about it ALL the time. I have never gotten so much use out of one cookbook and I still...
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Pumpkin Pie Spice
So what happens when you start making a great fall recipe (like these wonderful, delicious, moist pumpkin muffins) only to find you're out of or just plain don't have pumpkin pie spice? Don't drop everything and run to the store (and certainly don't put off making...
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Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins
The weather has turned slightly cooler here on the Eastern side of the country, okay okay, it may have only been cool outside for a couple of days but those day snapped me right in to fall. As soon as I woke up to a rainy cold morning I instantly wanted some sort of...
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Tex-Mex Chicken and Brown Rice
This is another recipe where I used the main component of a meal several ways, equaling quicker meals by cutting down on prep time. I cooked and shredded some chicken to use in these delicious baked chicken taquitos then also used the chicken to make this recipe....
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My One Year Blogoversary & World Peace Cookies
Today is the official one year blogoversary of See Brooke Cook, and wow, it's hard to believe it's already been a year! I started this blog as kind of a hobby and a way to share recipes I was always telling my friends about, and it's really grown in to something I am...
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Vanilla Bourbon Blackberry Jam
It's been a couple of weeks since I posted these biscuits and started talking about this yummy blackberry jam, but trust me, I did not forget about it. While trying to find something to use up some delicious blackberries, I found this recipe and I knew I had what I...
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Strawberry Dressing
We recently just got back from a trip home to the midwest; and we were pleased to find our house weathered Hurricane Irene fine with only a few pieces of siding down. While I was at the grocery store restocking the refrigerator the sad fact hit me that all of my...
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