Roasted Spaghetti Squash with Bacon and Caramelized Onions
Last week we talked about how to perfectly roast spaghetti squash, and since we have mastered that now, I’m here to give you just a little idea (a delicious little idea) of what you could do with that squash. Honestly, this recipe idea was the fuel behind the fire of learning to cook squash correctly in the first place so I thought it very important to share it with you immediately.. enter Roasted Spaghetti Squash with Bacon and Caramelized Onions.
So you take that squash right? And you add it to some caramelized onions and some bacon and what you end up with is just heaven on earth. I’m so serious. So, I know I’ve been doing this “mostly vegan” thing.. but the thing about being MOSTLY vegan is that you’re not TOTALLY vegan.. so there is still room for things like bacon. So add this as a side dish to your favorite meal.. or eat it straight out of the pan standing in your kitchen immediately after you cook it, you can decide which way is best!
[tasty-recipe id=”3202″]
Winter Favorites
Brooke’s Picks

Homemade Apple Cider
Where in the world has this year gone? I must have asked myself that a thousand times this week, and now here it is, nearly December. It's funny when you're younger and people older then you talk about how quickly the time will pass, and you laugh and think they are...
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Salted Caramel Buttercream & Perfect Chocolate Cupcakes
Right about now, you are probably thinking something like "Brooke, what are you doing to me?!". I know, I know you JUST got your Thanksgiving meal plans done and then I do THIS to you. This, luscious silky caramely chocolatey amazingness, yea, I'm doin' it and you can...
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Apple Pear Crisp
How is it even possible that Thanksgiving is next week? However we got here, it's that time again! Since my in laws were recently in town, and my father in law is a huge apple crisp fan, I was just dying to make this. I'm not gonna lie, it's probably the best crisp I...
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Soft & Sweet Yeast Dinner Rolls
We all know I love the holidays, but ya wanna know why? The rolls. Yea, that's pretty much it, it's the rolls. Oh I kid, I kid, of course I love giving thanks and spending time with loved ones and the joy of gifting and receiving, and we all love the foods and...
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Pumpkin Spice Pretzels with Chocolate Drizzle
Happy November! It's hard to believe it is already here, but Thanksgiving is right around the corner! As busy as we have been around here I am tempted to have frozen pizza at our Thanksgiving table this year. It's doubtful that will happen, as easy as it sounds I...
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Roasted Cherry Brownies
Man, I haven't posted a dessert in a while! I'm not gonna lie, I've been holding out on you for a while with this dessert, but you can forgive me because it's here now. And so are you, which means you are one step closer to enjoying it. While for the most part fresh...
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Sweet & Smokey BBQ Rubbed Shrimp
So we all love Pinterest right? Right. One thing in particular that drives me nuts (besides spam pins) is when you see something and fall instantly in love with it only to find when you click the pin it leads to a dead link or only a picture with no inkling of where...
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