Easy Basil Pesto Hummus
I love snacks, like I regularly make meals out of foods that most consider to be “snack food” and I’m not sorry about it even a little bit. In particular, I’m a dip-a-holic.. guac, salsa, any type of hummus you can dream up, I’m in! We all already know how I feel about pesto (which is, I love it) and I’ve shared one of my favorite hummus recipes with you so when I found myself with an abundance of basil I thought it was time to combine the two into this Easy Basil Pesto Hummus. I love this recipe for several reasons.. one, it’s snack food! But also, the pesto flavor isn’t so overwhelming that you forget it’s hummus and the texture is dreamy smooth so it goes great on anything. This would even be amazing smeared on a sandwich, and now all I can think about is why I didn’t think of that sooner.. like before I devoured all it. Oh well, sounds like a great reason to make some more!
[tasty-recipe id=”3184″]
Winter Favorites
Brooke’s Picks

Beer Candied Bacon
Last week I brought you this amazing cheesecake with one of the star ingredients being beer candied bacon. The idea sounds a little weird at first, but I mean come on, beer and bacon are pretty much a match made in heaven. It's kind of addicting, when I made this I...
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Bacon Chocolate Stout Cheesecake
Ohhhh, it's been so long my friends. But with another deployment looming over head my days have been very full, but I return to you with a gift.. a gift of chocolate, a gift of bacon, and one of cheesecake (oh and there is beer in there too). You may be thinking I...
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Herb Rubbed Sirloin Tip Roast
There isn't much this midwest raised girl appreciates more then a great steak, and this my friends is a great steak! When my local grocer had a sale on tip roast I decided to pick one up and then started trying to figure out what to do with it, when I found this...
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Jalapeño Cheddar Cornbread
The post holiday detox is always a rough one, but coming down from the sugar high was a little relieving this year. I haven't jumped into any crazy diet fad since the New Year started, but I am back to trying to lighten things up and get my refrigerator restocked with...
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Orange Cinnamon Brown Sugar Cream Cheese Frosting
Sometimes, things just happen by fate; you meet someone new, you catch a moment you shouldn't have been present for, or you make an amazingly awesome buttercream in the search of something different. This, my friends, is the latter. One of my very best friends had a...
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THE Baked Brownie
This isn't just a regular brownie, this is THE brownie, you may have heard of it before but if not it is claimed to be the perfect classic brownie, and I agree. In my humble opinion brownies don't need any crazy mix ins to make them special, and they certainly don't...
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Peanut Butter Blossoms
When Christmas time starts coming around I start dreaming of all the yummy treats that it brings with it. These are the kind of treats you only make once a year, which is probably a good thing for our jeans, but a bad thing for an indecisive person like me. I was...
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