If you know me even a little, you’ll know I consider myself a bit of a foodie (I mean, hello, I write a food blog!), so as a self proclaimed “foodie” you would think that there weren’t too many common restaurant dishes that I haven’t tried and I might agree with you most days; however, I’m embarrassed to say, up until very recently (aka until I made this) I had NEVER eaten huevos rancheros! I knowwwww. It’s like I don’t even know me.

Huevos rancheros with chorizo corn tortilla with refried black beans, over easy egg, cheese, cilantro, avocado and a fork

I have an excuse though! To me, this has always been one of those dishes that sounds really good when I’m out for brunch, but there’s just always something that sounds a little bit better that ends up edging it out so I never end up ordering it. And since I’ve never eaten it, it’s not like it’s something I think to just whip up at home. Enter a cold Sunday morning a couple of weeks ago when I was driving home in a yoga induced, sweaty hunger and it popped into my head that I just HAD to have huevos rancheros, and so it was.

Cutting board with cilantro, tomatoes, jalapeƱos and red onion

People! I’ve been missing out (why didn’t you tell me), it was soooooo good! At any rate, huevos rancheros and I have found each other now, and we shall never ever part. Moral of the story, don’t wait any longer, go eat this!

Huevos rancheros with chorizo corn tortilla with refried black beans, over easy egg, cheese, cilantro, avocado and a fork

[tasty-recipe id=”3376″]

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