Okay, before we get started with this amazingly delicious recipe I have to say (since Deb from SK caught so much flack in her comments), I did NOT name the drink these cupcakes are derived from and it is not meant to be offensive in any manner. Moving on, I first encountered these amazing Irish Carbomb Cupcakes a couple of years ago while searching for the perfect birthday cake for my friend. I made them then and I am pretty sure my friends have mentioned something about me making them again every couple of months or so since then.

Irish car bomb cupcakes guinness chocolate cupcake filled with Jameson chocolate ganache topped with Baileys Irish Cream Icing
I have SO MANY recipes (especially desserts) bookmarked, I hate making the same thing multiple times no matter how much I love it; I guess I feel like there are so many cupcakes out there for me to bake & enjoy! I am very glad I revisited this recipe, for one they are AMAZING, but also so I could share them with you!! Now I won’t try to tell you this is a simple recipe, it is for sure a labor of love, but I will tell you it is worth it!

Irish car bomb cupcakes guinness chocolate cupcake filled with Jameson chocolate ganache topped with Baileys Irish Cream Icing
These could be sped up and simplified by nixing the ganache filling, but I think you would be missing out. Hopefully your Thanksgiving meal planning is coming along well, I am only struggling in how to skim down the oh so long (and always growing) mental list of things I want to make. I’m thinking chocolate pecan pie is sounding good for dessert though, what about you?

Irish car bomb cupcakes guinness chocolate cupcake filled with Jameson chocolate ganache topped with Baileys Irish Cream Icing

[tasty-recipe id=”3426″]


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