When the holidays come around and the menu starts coming together I inevitably end up making a ham. Not that I don’t love turkey, but when I have to pick just one ham always wins, and this glaze may have something to do with it. It’s just a few simple ingredients but it is sooooo good! I always cook my ham in a turkey bag to keep it moist. You should just follow the instructions on the ham packaging for cooking but if you can’t find them, the general guidelines for an baking an uncooked ham is 20-30 minutes per pound at 325ยบ. You want to make sure the ham is fully cooked to an internal temperature of 160ยบ, start it with the fat side up and turn it half way through. I wish I could say I just have some magic touch to make ham so delicious.. but this is it! Enjoy!

Simple Ham Glaze

Simple Ham Glaze (Print Me)

1 cup maple syrup
1 cup orange juice
1 15oz can diced pineapple with juice

Combine all ingredients and pour over ham, bast every couple of hours while cooking.

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